Patients Feed back

It is possible that some surgeons may use old tension repairs like Bassini or Shouldice under the pretext of mesh free surgery. So always insist for mesh free repair by "DESARDA TECHNIQUE" only

Our operation technique is very simple to understand and follow for any surgeon with a good surgical skill. So you can contact a surgeon from your locality and give him all the information downloaded from our web site. He may go through that and be willing to use this technique. We have not made any patent of this operation technique so any surgeon can use it without any permission or payment to us. We will be providing all the technical knowhow free of cost to him. Do not give choice to surgeon. Ask him directly to do your hernia surgery by Desarda technique only.

We all bless You, Dr. Desarda


Had Desarda repair 5 weeks ago, almost no pain at all after op.. Did not need pain killers no bruising etc. Everything working fine no need to take to my bed. Recommend it.

@planet123  • 5 days ago


Dear Dr Desarda,

I had a successful hernia repair using your technique some years ago  (with Dr Gerald Young in New Zealand), and I am very grateful I learned about this and avoided mesh. 

Now it looks like my daughter, who is in her thirties, has a hernia. She is hoping to have another baby in the next year or two. Could you please tell me if a Desarda repair is likely to hold through pregnancy and a natural birth, or is it wiser to avoid pregnancy after a Desarda repair?

I would be most grateful for your advice in this matter.

Thank you for your help with this and for all your wonderful work.

Rhonwen Seager (


Dear Dr Desarda

Through my everyday life I can observe my abdominal physical condition

after left side hernia surgery you and your excellent asistant performed in 2019 in Pune hospital.

You both have my admiration. 

In June, two months ago, I celebrated my 74th birthday in perfect health.

I believe you are both doing well and prosper profesionaly.

Please see enclosed photos where is clearly visible old scarve of hernia surgery from year 1951 on right side and nearly invisible trace of your operation on left side from 4 years ago.

Inspite relatively late surgerie at age 70, my abdominal muscles are still strong and serve me perfectly due to your expert and artful surgeon skill.

With Love

Dominik ( 2023.08.26 


Very grateful to you Sir for performing the bestest surgery available for hernia in the world. Only able to have a healthy lifestyle and workout and push my body to physical limits because of you. Very Grateful!


Best Regards, Sunam 19.8.2023 


Hello Dr. Desarda,

Greetings from Iraq, Im your past patient, you repaired my hernia 9 yrs ago, Im fine and thank you. Three years ago I sent you a relative and he was operated on and he is fine also; now I have another relative who is 75 years old, he was repaired for his left indirect inguinal hernia 7 yrs ago with a mesh repair he is ok with it, now he has developed a right side indirect inguinal hernia and I convinced him to repair it by my hernia hero Dr Desarda, he accept to undergo this new technique for hernia repair, he is free of chronic illness and willing to go to india and I want to enquire about the cost of operation with spinal anesthesia for mesh free rt side hernia repair by desarda technique and solely by Desarda hands, waiting for your reply and good bye.  

Dr Raed Almayali Iraq ( 12.8.2023


Dear Dr. Desarda,

Once again, I hope you are well. 

I am sure you will be very pleased to hear that I did not have a recurrence, but a new femoral Hernia.

My German surgeon Dr. Joachim Conze (in Munich) sent me the photos below and as you will see your repair is intact -15 years later.  Very impressive!

David Asberi 


Dominik Lapanja

To me it was a complete and total cure of my hernia problem after I went to Pune (Mumbai India) in august 2018 to get my complicated hernia repaired by dr Desarda. The result is practically miraculous. It is hard to believe what I can perform all activites after operation in my age of 73 thanks to dr Desarda marvelous repair.


Gilles Caldor, 162 Boulevard Diderot, 75012  Paris, France 

To Professor Desarda, 22 April 2022,

I contacted you many years ago because I was interested in your technique. It was only this year that I decided to use your technique for my recurrent hernia (following a "De Shouldice" operation performed ten years ago).

As I did not want to undertake a long trip to India in these times of COVID and travel constraints (although I know your beautiful country well enough to have been there several times between 2004 and 2011, from Kashmir to Kerala, passing through Rajasthan, Gujarat and Sikkhim!)

So I called on Dr. Ralph Lorenz in Berlin, who operated on me perfectly, respecting all my wishes in terms of surgery. Despite my 56 years, the very day after the operation, I took a long walk of 10 km for 2 hours (so walking at a good pace). Post-op pain was not significant, I didn't even need to take paracetamol (chemicals I prefer to avoid!)

Today, we are + 3 months away from the operation, and so far everything is fine: no pain and I have resumed sport (2 weeks ago, I ran 30 km during the day !)

We will see in the months and years to come, the evolution of the operation. I'll keep you up-to-date.

In any case, I am very grateful to you for having invented this technique, at a time when "classical surgical techniques" want us to introduce more and more foreign elements into the human body, and I am not talking only "mesh" for hernias...

In France, my country of residence, surgeons only want to practice the Liechtenstein technique for Hernias, and practically no French digestive surgeons know your technique, it's heartbreaking... As for the "De Shouldice" technique in France , it is hardly practiced anymore, considered too complicated and with too high a recurrence rate.

Here, professor, I wish you that you export your technique more and more, and in particular in France..

Receive my very sincere greetings.

Gilles Caldor


My Desarda repair continues to remain intact and in good condition after more than 11 years. 

Fred Amir

Author, Speaker, Rapid Recovery Coach


Vignesh V - 17 hours ago (COMMENT ON YOU TUBE.COM)

@Dr. Mohan Desarda You are superman Doctor... sent by god.... any doctors you are aware of from Madurai/Chennai who can perform your method sir?


Dear Prof. Dr. Desarda,

First, I would like to express my thanks for your work and research into the hernia repair. It offers hope to thousands of people like me. I've had an inguinal hernia since March this year and I was looking for the best possible method of operation and definitely Desarda hernia repair is superior to the other techniques around. 

I would like to say THANK YOU :) you're a true doctor and honorable person in our times. After I got my little inguinal hernia I was quite stressed and researched a lot as I'm myself a history researcher with Ph.D. and after all inquiries, you're the only one that has developed a simple, effective, and natural technique that is beneficial truly to the patient. I've taken a look into mesh repair in all its forms, and clearly, after Basini and Shouldice your technique is a major step forward in hernia repair, I was surprised how strong oppositions and even ignorance can have towards the Desarda hernia repair but even the critics admit that is a simple and better alternative to the mesh and Shouldice repair, what is need is more surgeons to be trained and to know the technic around the world and it was honorable of you that you haven't patented it and make it available to everybody. 

Yours sincerely, Teodor Dodurov, 


Mr. Desarda you are most brilliant and kind doctor. I had my repair in Nigata Japan as recommend on your website. It was 2 years ago and I feel fantastic. I even forget it ever happened and I am as good as new. Thank you again for your excellent research and getting the word out about that terrible mesh. I made YouTube videos about my experience and I recommend you and your surgical technique to anyone who asks. Click on the link below to watch my you tube video. 

Kind regards, Grant Hutter 26.3.2021


SMS from a patients who is discharged from hospital today on 13.1.2021

Good morning sir! Just wanted to reach out and give you a BIG thank you for the excellent job done with my hernia surgery. There is now little to no pain left and I'm able to walk slowly comfortably. I feel so grateful to have been able to get my hernia repaired from you. It could not have been better than this. You are a Rockstar!! And all the staff has been incredible too with all the care they have taken of me.

Thank you again sooo very much! 

Love & Regards,

Arpan Soni🙏 Rajasthan 


Thanks a lot Dr Desarda for phone consultation to day. It is an honor to speak to you truly. You should have seen the smile on my face knowing it is you :)

Not only because of my hernia issue, but due to the great kindness obvious in your approach never to patent your hernia repair methodology.

May God reward you for that.

Amr ElGamal <> EGYPT


I posted on my Facebook page...Tnx!

I think I made the right decision coming to you!

Sent from my iPhone


My Doctor Mohan Desarda my best wishes for you and your team.

Two surgeries with your technique and I´m here plenty of energy and health again thanks to you!!!

Adolfo Betancourt <>


It's been two years since you did my hernia surgery. 

I can now say that it was a complete success.

Thank you very much for your care and precision.

Wesley "Jake" Chinn  <> 



To share my personal experience after having Desarda operation.

Sep 24 : morning- Desarda operation based on diagnosis of bilateral indirect inguinal hernia

I decided to stay put on bed after operation for the rest of the day

Sep 24 : midnight Was able to urinate

Sep 25 : morning Able to go to bathroom to urinate, Able to walk around the room

Sep 26 : morning Finally able to take a bowl in the morning, Able to walk around the room

Sep 27, 28 : Pain level stayed between 1-2 on the scale of 1-10, Feeling the pain on some movements : taking off bed, chair, Pain when cough or sneeze, Walking  outside  

Sep 29 : Going back to my home country : 4 hours on the road travelling, 5 hours in flight journey, 1 hour taxi drive to home

2nd week : Took of bandage around incision areas> Continue walking exercise, extending to outside house, mall> Numb feeling > Resume day to day light activities

3rd week :Drive a car for the first time> Going back to work> Numb feeling around operation area, left side is better> Ex incision areas are getting better

4th week : Numb feeling around right side operation area, left side is normal> Occasional cough or sneeze do not cause any pain

It's been 6 months after operation. I feel fine and and I have been back to previous day to day activities, including sport.

Thanks to Prof Desarda and his hospital team that had taken the operation well.




Your E-book on Hernia  

Click here:

Dear desarda, I am A.B.A.S. Patil here at Shahada, Dist. Nandurbar.

Heartiest Congratulations for Ur E book.

Really enjoyable reading .Simple lucid language.

Contents rich in knowledge but very simply explained.

I m enjoying the reading.

Got many many new knowledgeable points.

Thanks for writing such a marvelous book.

Again Congrats.


1st World Hernia Conference at Milan, Italy 25-29 April 2015

Dr Desarda

It was a small time lecture, but you have showed your technique in an enthusiastic manner! You were the center of attraction to every single surgeon in the audience! It was a pleasure to me to see you, and to see the opportunity finally given to a surgeon that runs in an opposite direction to the "world".If I can, I will approach you and have a picture of us taken together. It will be an honor!


Elisanio de Souza Cardoso

Enviado via iPhone Elisanio de Souza Cardoso <> Sun 4/26/2015 7:31 PM


Dear Dr Desarda,

I hope this message finds you in good health ..I am pleased to tell you that now, ten years after my mesh free inguinal surgery, I am fully active and have had no complications or problems whatsoever.

Meanwhile (in spite of your best efforts against mesh) the mesh-saga continues in Australia and most other parts of the western world.

Best wishes from a grateful patient

Stuart Harris (AUSTRALIA)


Dear Doctor,

Today I could climb slowly to Parvati Hills without difficulty. This is my 3rd day after surgery. I was operated on 16th Jan 2018.

Hope my recovery will be fast.


Sivakumar (DUBAI) 


Hi Sir,

I'm always remain thankful to you for operating me for my hernia, im

Perfectly fine post operation, God

Bless you and God give long life.


Mohaseen Soudagar <>Tue 11/10/2015 3:26 AM



Completely agree.. and Thank you for the operation 2 years back. I am able to do all the activities without any issues.

Best regards, Bangalore.D Nandagopal <>Mon 11/9/2015 2:09 PM


From: rajguru.ashok <> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:32 PM To: Subject: Re: heria repair complete recovery

Speaking from my personal experience, besides the quick recovery and return to normal work, what is remarkable about the Desarda technique is that unlike mesh repair, there is no chance of hernia recurring as this is anatomically impossible.  Dr Desarda's methodology is unique and brilliant, and a great gift to the field of surgery. I call it a "gift" because Dr Desarda has neither patented the technique nor charges a royalty from other practitioners and is teaching others.


Hi Professor Doctor Desarda

I provided Dr Alex Wade with your email address, as he prefers to contact you.

It was an honor to meet you. I view you as an incredible and highly intelligent professional. You have and continue to graciosly use your gift to help people throughout the world. You make such a difference. I am forever grateful to you for giving my friend an option for their hernia repair that is long lasting without the complication associated with the use of mesh.

Best of luck to you always.

Christine Damico



10 Feb

Hi All,

I am 50 years old gentleman, about 4 years ago I underwent a mesh-free left Inguinal Hernia repair at the capable hands of Dr Lubecki from Poznan in Poland,

After 4 years I can report that I had no complications whatsoever, not much pain after surgery, the scar is almost invisible, not long post surgery I resumed sports activities that included Hang Gliding!

I highly highly recommend using Dr Desarda method, I think he is a legend and should be recognized for his services to humanity.

Good health to all.


23 Feb (10 hours ago)

Dear Dr Desarda

What follows is a brief feed-back about my recovery after returning to Europe. 

Every day after my operation (on December 18) I found noticeable improvements in pain levels and was able to move about more and more with less pain. I was surprised that on the 5th day of the operation I was already sitting comfortably in a plane on my way home.

The stitches were taken out on December 26 - no problems there. I would say that 2 weeks after the operation I was basically free of anything one could call pain. However, coughing or certain movements would still occasionally cause a little pinch. This also went away and by the beginning of the 2nd month after the operation I noticed absolutely nothing - no matter what I would do. 

I am so glad that I made the extra effort to come to you. I am free of any problems and since there are no artificial materials used, I know that there never will be any complications later on.

The alternative of a mesh repair - with this simple piece of cloth made of synthetic material - was for me just not a satisfactory answer. With your repair I know that there will never be one of those widely reported nasty surprises that mesh repairs are believed to sometimes cause (like entrapped nerves, or material failure or fatigue of some kind or the other). 

Also - I have no idea if this is always the case - but my scar is now mostly invisible. The lower half is still a little pink and slightly raised - but the upper half has completely disappeared. I still can't believe how well it all healed. With so little scaring I don't understand why some patients think complicated operations with endoscope are even worth considering.

I have noticed that worldwide, the list of surgeons using your technique is increasing rapidly. For myself, however, should I ever need a repair on my other side - I will certainly be happy to see you in Pune again. 

I like to thank you and your staff again and wish you all the best. 

Kind regards

from a most grateful patient

I have undergone surgery for hernia using the Desarda technique (performed by Dr. Desarda himself.)

It was done in mid 2013, so about 4 years ago. Really glad I did it. No complications whatsoever.

I highly recommend it as well.


Years now have passed since my hernia surgery in Florida and your method continues to provide support during sports and exercise.  At age 75 I remain active.  If you want a referral, I’ll be happy to provide one.

Dr. Dave Abrahamson, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. Email:


From: margaret yadav [] 

Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 7:41 PM



Dear Professor Desarda,I am in Pune with our relatives and I have shared your recent correspondence with them.You might remember me,Margaret Yadav,your English patient from about ten years ago. You took such good care of me and I have had no problems since the hernia repair.I am pleased to read that your work has been widely recognised.You will be looking forward to the conference in Italy.

We now have a home in S.Goa and spend the British winters there,usually going back to the UK in April.

With thanks and very best wishes,Margaret Yadav.


Its been 3 & half years am running healthy after my inguinal hernia surgery by Dr. Desarda. I workout, lift weights & play sports with no pain or difficulties. Thank you doctor for a mesh free surgery and for making my life so easy and normal.

Jammu  Sunaam Suri <>


Happy new year to you too.

Almost a year since my surgery and all going well.I recommend some specific daily stretching exercises once the initial recovery has taken place,seems to help with any tightness after physical work.

Regards, Brian.

Brian Sullivan 2014


Prof. and Dr. Desarda as always being the first and the only full of kindness and wisdom. Thank you very much for your Christmas greetings I wish you and your team the best of the best!!! for now and the new year.

From your extremely grateful patient Adolfo Betancourt Mendoza

Adolfo Betancourt 2014



As I am writing this it is exactly one year since my hernia repair at your hospital in Pune, India on 2nd February 2016. Since that time I have been through a very difficult year taking care of my wife who has been seriously ill, but who is now hopefully in the early stages of recovery. 

Throughout 2016 I have had not a single problem with my hernia repair, carried out at your capable hands. I have undertaken every task with confidence including gardening, carrying out maintenance on the roof of our home and other such duties. I hesitate to think how different this situation might have been had I not had your repair, or perhaps had one of the somewhat faulty and unreliable mesh repairs I have heard about. I would never have been able to manage, as at the time I came to you the hernia was increasing in size and my ability to live and function normally deteriorating rapidly. 

Indian expertise is first class! 

Once again I extend my heartfelt thanks to you and your team and I wish you all well for the future. Please feel free to use this letter as a testimonial for your services. My kind regards, 

Alan Mellor,  Mandurah, Western Australia


Dear Sir, 

Hope you are doing well. this is now 2 months since my operation and happy to inform you that the things are getting normal day by day. the recovery so far is quite normla and I am doing my all day to day work normally just after one week of operation. I would like to thanks a lot to you for the great work. Hope your expertiese will be use full to many people like us to get out of troble and live happy normal life. 

thanks again.rdgs, 

Amit Bhatt  


I am now 60 years old and had right inguinal surgery done by Dr. Desarda more than 2 years ago. My recovery was quick. You will start moving around from Day 1. I had previously undergone a mesh repair by laparascopy abroad and it failed. Thank goodness I happened to read about Dr. Desarda's unique methodology and am a happy person today. My only advice is, do not delay and advise other friends and family members to go to Dr. Desarda.

Regards and best wishes,



From: Gautschi [] Sun 9/23/2012 5:52 AM

Dear Dr Desarda,

Just wanted to let you know that I feel very well and am extremely happy with the outcome of the surgery. The scar is healing nicely and there is no pain, just a bit of tenderness on the scar. The fluid under the skin is also almost gone.

The stitches came out on the 8th day and I started normal work on  the 12th day.

A BIG thank you to you and the wonderful staff at the hospital, I am very glad that we made the trip.

Kind regards,



From: arun [] 

Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 9:11 PM


Subject: Hernia repair follow up

Hello Dr. Desarda,

Most people won't understand what I am saying here but I wanted to tell you these things anyway.

It is now approaching 4 weeks since my surgery and it is clear to me that I have achieved my goal. I was afraid that hernia surgery might disrupt the harmonious energy flow in the inguinal area. I enjoy the practice of Shaolin 18 Lohan hands Qigong where the energy dances in my body and needs harmonious and balanced flow through all the meridians. I was quite concerned about mesh placement over several important energy channels. Your surgery not only avoided this but used the natural dynamics and physiology of the body to achieve the repair. I feel younger and my body feels more playful that I have in a long time.

I thank God that He brought me to you and that you do such good work.

Now that my incision has healed, it feels like I never had surgery except that the hernias are gone!

Thank you,

Dr. Arun


My Hernia Repair at Poona Hospital

Grateful Patient []


From: Mr. Dan [] Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 5:40 AM To: Dr. Desarda Subject: Re: FW: Greetings from Dr. Desarda

Dear Dr Desarda,

Thank you for the Holiday greetings! Sorry it took so long to respond. Finally getting a moment to write you back. Slowly getting back into the swing of things since my return...and the holidays were busy. How is everything? I am doing well. Everything seems to be healing good, little by little. Although the right testicle doesn't quite hang as low as the left. This must be from the operation on the hydroceole. Is this the normal result? This was a bit disturbing at first. Although it feels ok, and is getting better over time. Overall though, all seems to be well, and I think you did a great job. Thank you for fixing my hernia and everything else.

Mr. Dan USA


To: desarda Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:24 AM Subject: Saxophone, and bills

 Dear. Desarda,

Sorry for the delay in replying,  I was on holiday with my family in the USA. I hope to have a first cut of my web site ( ) on-line very shortly.

I am very happy with the result of my hernia so far.  Coughing is no longer painful. and I feel that I can swim even better than before. The only question I have is about playing  my saxophone.  You assistant said to wait 1 month. It's one month now - so I tried playing 2 days this week. It was really great to be able to play again. But afterwards the hernia repair felt a bit sore. It seems to me (to my surprise) that blowing the saxophone puts more pressure on the repair than even coughing! So for the moment I have decided to limit my saxophone playing for a while? What do you think?  How long?

Thanks in advance. David  FRANCE


David  Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:24 AM TO: Brian OH <>Re: Desarda Procedure


I'd be happy to talk to you. Presently I'm in Las Vegas for a biz convention. Could you be so kind as to give me a call in 48-72 hrs when I'm back in Los Angeles? Call my cellphone (310.901.9006) anytime between 10AM-10PM (Pacific Standard Time) this Thursday-Monday, afterwhich a week from today I'll fly to the East Coast for a few weeks. I can't say enough good about my entire experience going over to India for Dr. D's proceedure. I'm doing very well and enjoying life to the fullest. FYI, I stayed at the Poona Hospital for a week following my proceedure so therefore had no need to stay in any hotels while in India. All the people I met were kind and professional, and if you like Indian food as much as I do then you'll love the hospital food. Talk with you soon Brian. Cheers!

David USA


From: Ron [] Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 12:40 AM To: Mohan Desarda Subject: Movie from videos & Mailing Address?

Hi Dr Desarda,

 I am doing quite well and am almost back to my normal physical routeins. 

 I have put a 30 minute movie together relating to Puna hospital, your hernia repair, and my experience as a patient. It was made with Windows Movie Maker (and can be easily shortened or clipped if need be)  and plays with Windows Media Player. I am sending you a copy on 2 DVD's (PAL & NTSC formats) and a copy on a USB stick so you can copy it onto your computer. I am working on finding a way to put it out on the internet where people can click on a URL and watch it. I'll let you know when I do.

I just wanted to check to make sure that this is your mailing address before I mail it. Is this address OK?  



From: Saleh Haskouri [] Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:15 AM To: desarda Subject: Re: hernia repair


Thanks for the operation. I need to know when I can take a shower and when I can start exercising. I am due to take the stitches out in two days



From: Pkay To: desarda  Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1:37 PM  Subject: sutures out Dear Dr. M.P.   (second opinion please)

I have had the sutures removed today at my local GP. He feels that the incision area should not look this red  after 16 days (see attached pics) and  he thinks that the wound may be infected, either at the surface or deeper inside. He has given me a 10 day course of antibiotics ...Keflex/cephalexin 4 X 500mg per day for 10 days, and put the six adhesive strips across it, and asked me to see him again in 5 days to have another look at it. I have attached some pics taken close up about ten minutes ago ...pic number 8513 is the most natural skin color, it's taken without flash,  ...all the others are taken with flash on. In pic 8513, you may see what looks like some pink/red inflammation extending out slightly from the lower part of the is slightly sore to touch in this area but not painful. It is weeping/leaking slightly, visible in pic 8513 on the third piece of white strip  (third from the top) I still have the stabbing burning pain when rolling over in bed (left or right) during the night  but the good news is that I believe it is gradually decreasing. I will send you an update (and more pics) when I have had  5 days of Cephalexin

 Your devoted patient  Stuart :-)


I arrived safely and without incident. I've been handling 50 kilo loads without any adverse events and have been able to do my job fully as a ranch hand here in Santa Barbara. I don't recall removing stitches before but the procedure was quick and easy and there were no problems. incision site seems to be healing rapidly - much faster than I expected. still enough scar tissue beneath the surface that the incision site on the right (where you operated)

protrudes out more than the left side where you didn't operate I do feel this scar tissue sometimes when I move or walk or make contact with that area & the scar tissue is hard enough that it resists deflection when I push it with my finger there does not seem to be any sign of inflammation so your decision not to administer oral antibiotics seems to be right on track I'm glad it worked out that way in the USA, I didn't realize that you were also going to Japan

I'm glad that I made the extra effort to travel half way around the world and I'm grateful that you performed this procedure sincerely


(805) 967-9369

5812 West Camino Cielo Road Santa Barbara, CA 93105 USA


"Dear Prof. Dr. Desarda,

I want thank you from bottom of my heart for sharing your knowledge and wonderful technique with the rest of humanity.

I live in California and was faced with surgery for inguinal hernia. Being concerned with the complications associated with the use of mesh, I was looking for a mesh-free operation. After much research and prayer I came across your tension-free. mesh-free, recurrence-free technique and learned about the great results your patients experienced with the Desarda repair. I decided this was the best option for me. However, due to the pain and discomfort associated with my hernia, I was not able to travel to India.

Since you have so generously shared your knowledge in many articles and videos, it was possible for a very caring and competent surgeon in Fresno, California, to repair my hernia with your technique. Like most of your patients, I experienced very little post-operative pain, in fact, I required no pain medications at all, and began walking shortly after surgery, followed by quick recovery. The complete account of my experience can be read at

Again, thank you for your generosity and compassion, and may God bless you and your family for all the good work that you do.”

Fred Amir, author of Rapid Recovery from Back and Neck Pain: A Nine-Step Recovery Plan

Kind regards,

Fred Amir

Fred Amir []