No Mesh Inguinal Hernia Surgery Recovery Videos
Desarda Repair is Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery Without Mesh or Mesh Free Inguinal Hernia Surgery, it is a No Mesh Hernia Surgery without Mesh Complications, fast Hernia recovery, why not mesh repair? Why not Shouldice? See mesh free Hernia surgery videos of Desarda Technique and post operative recovery, Hernia recovery videos, Hernia blogs, Hernia doctors or operation technique, Desarda Repair is all tension free & mesh free hernia repair.
It is possible that some surgeons may use old tension repairs like Bassini or Shouldice under the pretext of mesh free surgery. So always insist for mesh free repair by "DESARDA TECHNIQUE" only
Mesh never gives protection by itself as believed by many. Body forms a curtain around the scaffold of mesh and then it takes another 2-3 years to gain strength in it to give protection. Till then you are not 100% protected !!!
Our operation technique is very simple to understand and follow for any surgeon with a good surgical skill. So you can contact a surgeon from your locality and give him all the information downloaded from our web site. He may go through that and be willing to use this technique. We have not made any patent of this operation technique so any surgeon can use it without any permission or payment to us. We will be providing all the technical knowhow free of cost to him. Do not give choice to surgeon. Ask him directly to do your hernia surgery by Desarda technique only.
Fast recovery seen after mesh free desarda repair for bilateral inguinal hernia
Fast recovery seen after mesh free desarda repair
Recovery within hours after mesh free desarda repair
Dominik from Slovenia with large inguino-scrotal hernia-Fast recovery with minimal pain
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