No Mesh Inguinal Hernia Surgery Pictures Album

Desarda Repair is Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery Without Mesh or Mesh Free Inguinal Hernia Surgery, it is a No Mesh Hernia Surgery without Mesh Complications, fast Hernia recovery, why not mesh repair? Why not Shouldice? See mesh free Hernia surgery videos of Desarda Technique and post operative recovery, Hernia recovery videos, Hernia blogs, Hernia doctors or operation technique, Desarda Repair is all tension free & mesh free hernia repair.

STEPS OF THE OPERATION:  A revolutionary mesh free Desarda technique  for inguinal, umbilical, incisional, epigastric hernias, on physiological principle

Skin cut for 2-3 inches to expose the ext. obl. apo. (EOA)

EOA cut to expose ing. canal and hernia sac excised

Upper leaf sutured to ing. lig.

Incision taken in sutured leaf

EOA strip is seperated

Upper border of strip stitched to muscle arch to form new floor

Ing. canal closure in progress

Ing. canal closed

Absorbable subcuticular stitch

          Scar after 8 days

Thin EOA can be used  effecively

Separated fibers of EOA & large dilated sup. ring is no bar for this repair if few tiny loop sutures taken to keep separated fibers together


First layer suturing closure of the hernia defect with multiple interrupted sutures and opening of the rectus canal on both sides. Medial and lateral flaps of opened rectus canal with recti muscle in between is seen.

Second layer suturing of medial flaps of anterior rectus sheath with running sutures in front of the first layer closure of the hernia defect. Recti muscles and edges of lateral flaps are seen.

Third layer suturing of both recti muscles in the midline with multiple interrupted sutures in front of the second layer of the suturing.

Fourth layer suturing of the lateral flaps of the anterior rectus sheath in the midline with mattress sutures in front of the sutured third layer.

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